Traditionally, society has viewed persons with disabilities as recipients of charity and welfare. As a result, persons with disabilities are kept idle instead of making attempts towards self-reliance. An attitude change has to take place in persons with disabilities, their parents, family members, community people, policy makers and other actors in the society to make the persons with disabilities self- reliant and not dependent on others. In order to prevent the further marginalization of persons with disabilities in the future, it is important to take a pro-active stand to enable them to become contributing productive members of society. To facilitate this, the Access Bangladesh Foundation, a non-political, not for profit and non-government organization was set up on 4th January, 2008 through the idea generation of Mr. Albert Mollah along with Ms. Mohua Paul.
Legal status
The organization is registered under Societies Act XXI of 1860(Reg. No. S-7740(930)/08, Dated: 24/04/2008), Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Ordinance 1978, with NGO Affairs Bureau under Prime Minister’s Office(Reg.No.2461,Dated: 18/06/2009) and Ministry of Women & Children Affairs of Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh(Reg. No.Dhak/405/2012, Dated: 18/07/2012 ).The organization is also enlisted with the Ministry of Youth & Sports.