Access Bangladesh observed the “Bangla Sign Language Day 2018’ on 7 February at Savar Upazila, Dhaka under a project supported by Deaf Child Worldwide, UK and CDD. The event started with a rally led by Mr. Md. Ziaur Rahman, Upazilla Social Services Officer, from the Upazilla Social Services Office and went to the Ganda Bus Stand and ended in front of Upazila auditorium. This year theme is “To develop sign language, we everyone will come forward’. Mr. Ziaur Rahman, Mr. Albert Mollah and Ms. Taslim Zahan of Access Bangladesh gave speech in the discussion session. A total of 133 participants including deaf children and youth, their parents, government officials, teachers, students, organization’s staffs attended the event. The deaf children & youth took part in different games and art competition . The event was concluded by distributing prizes among the winners.