On the occasion of “Bangla Sign Language Day 2020” on 7 February, Savar Upazila Administration and Access Bangladesh Foundation organized the day on 10 February at Savar Upazila supported by Deaf Child Worldwide, UK and CDD under a project titled “Improved Education Outcomes through Early Childhood Development Centres in Bangladesh (IEO- ECDCBD)”. This year the theme of the day is ‘Standard use of Sign Language is the rights of persons with hearing impaired”. The event was started with a rally led by Mr. Mohammad Shiblezzaman, Upazilla Social Service Officer. After the rally a discussion meeting was held in the Upazila Auditorium. This session was started with the welcome speech of Ms. Mohua Paul, Co- Founder of Access Bangladesh and presided by the Social Service Officer. Mr. Bijen Rema, Community Mobilizer of Access Bangladesh anchored the event and Selina Akter Sathi, Resource Parent of Access Bangladesh interpreted the session in bangle sign language. Participants including deaf children and youth, their parents, school teachers, government officials, NGO representatives and journalists attended in the event.