On 29 June 2018, Access Bangladesh Foundation distributed education materials- Khata, Pen, Umbrella and electronic reading lamp among 30 students with disabilities of Kulla Union under Dhamrai Upazila at Upazila Social Services office under the project titled “Promoting Rights and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities through Community Based Rehabilitation” supported by Liliane Foundation and Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association (DRRA). Mr. Md. Kazi Rashid Mamun, Upazila Education officer Distributed the education materials. To promote youth entrepreneurs with disabilities, BDT 13,500 was distributed among 10 youth with disabilities each to start their business. Upazila Women Affairs Officer distributed the cheques among the youth with disabilities. Staffs of Upazila Social Services, School teachers, parents of the students with disabilities and Self-Help Group leaders were also present in the event. Mohua Paul, Director- Resource Mobilization of Access Bangladesh Foundation spoke on importance of mainstreaming education and creating youth entrepreneurs to ensure social inclusion of children and youth with disabilities.

We Ring The Bell
Access Bangladesh Foundation organized a school based education campaign titled ‘We ring the bell’ on 21 March Wednesday, 2018 from 12.00 pm to 12.01 pm at Savar Model Govt. Primary School in Savar Upazila of Dhaka District. The objective of this campaign was to draw attention of policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders who can play a vital role to eliminate the barriers from going to school of children with disabilities. A total of 700 participants including students with disabilities, students without disabilities, parents of students, Social Welfare and Education officer of Savar Upazila, School Management Committee members, school teachers, community people and representatives of print media were present in this Campaign.