On 24 May 2017 Parliamentary Caucus on National Planning and Budget, Democratic Budget Movement and Centre on Budget and Policy, University of Dhaka organized People’s Budget Assembly 2017 at Senate Bhaban of Dhaka University. Access Bangladesh Foundation was one of the Co-organizers of the event. Access Bangladesh Foundation arranged a side session named “Inclusive Budget Session” where Mr. Albert Mollah presented a keynote paper on “Disability Inclusive National Budget 2017-18”. The assembly was inaugurated by Mr. Fazle Hossain Badsha MP, Vice President of Parliamentary Caucus on National Planning and Budget. In the opening session Mr. Debapriya Bhattacharya, Honorable Fellow of CPD; Professor Dr. Sadeka Halim, Sociologist and former Commissioner of Bangladesh Information Commission; Professor Dr. M. Abu Yusuf, Director of Center on Budget and Policy, Dhaka University; Tipu Sultan MP, Member of Parliamentary Caucus on National Planning and Budget; Dr. Protima Paul Mazumder, Chair of Democratic Budget Movement were present as the Special Guests. Mr. M A Mannan, State Minister of Finance and Planning was the Chief Guest of the closing session.