Key focus areas
- Education
- Employment
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Climate change and disasters
- Access to justice
Major Activities
The organization implements the following activities to achieve its mission:
- Provide education support to poor children with disabilities to enroll in schools and to continue their education
- Mobilize parents, family members, and community people about the importance of inclusive education for children with disabilities
- Sensitize School Management Committees
- Run Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers for Deaf Children to prepare them for mainstreaming schools
- Run Deaf Youth Clubs to facilitate their inclusion in the society
- Develop children and youth with disabilities culturally
- Arrange inclusive sports, art competition and recreational events for children with disabilities

Educational materials distribution

Shamima on her way to school who got GPA 5 in SSC in 2016

Deaf children practicing sign language

Deaf youths performing in a national event
- Provide skills training, business start-up and mentoring supports for generating entrepreneurs with disabilities
- Form Cooperative Societies with small entrepreneurs with disabilities
- Encourageentrepreneurs with disabilities by rewarding them
- Create opportunities for entrepreneurs to participate in different fairs to demonstrate their products
- Create market linkages for selling products made by persons with disabilities
- Organize Job fairs exclusively for persons with disabilities
- Sensitize employers for generating wage-employment

Dipali Supporting her family

Akram nursing his mushrooms

Three successful women entrepreneurs
with disabilities with the Finance Minister

Ratan receiving appointment letter
job jointly organized by Access Bangladesh,
- Sensitize community people on disability prevention
- Provide referral services, medicine support, doctor consultation, primary Rehabilitation therapy services
- Provide sexual and reproductive health education to adolescent with disabilities
- Provide assistive devices to improve mobility of persons with disabilities

Hearing test of a deaf youth

Persons with disabilities receiving wheel chair