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An Inclusive Society is Better for All

Partners’ Sharing Meeting

Access Bangladesh arranged a day long partners’ sharing meeting on 15 March, 2017 with Sitakund Federation of DPOs of YPSA, Bangladesh Protibandhi Unnayan Sangstha, Protik Mahila o Sishu Sangstha and Khoksa Upzila Protibandhi Kallyan Sangtha under the project “Promoting Implementation of UNCRPD and SDGs in Bangladesh through Disability Inclusive Budget” supported by Disability Rights Fund. The meeting covered various aspects of the project include project objectives, activities, implementation planning, reporting and monitoring, accounts keeping etc. The partners shared their last year’s achievements on budgetary allocation in Union Parisad, Pourasava, City Corporation, and national budgets.

Partners’ Sharing Meeting
Partners’ Sharing Meeting
Partners’ Sharing Meeting
2018-10-29T06:45:14+00:00 March 15th, 2017|News & Events|
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