On 19 April, 2017 Access Bangladesh Foundation, Women with Disabilities Development Foundation (WDDF), Visually Impaired Peoples Society (VIPS), Disabled Child Foundation (DCF), Disabled Welfare Society (DWS), National Council of Disabled Women (NCDW) and Turning Point Foundation organized a “Round Table Conference” at VIP Lounge, National Press club, on “Political rights and participation of Women with Disabilities”. These 7 Organizations jointly urged for an inclusive, anti-discriminatory and Women with Disabilities friendly society for all. M. A Mannan MP, honorable State Minister, Ministry of Finance was the Chief Guest; Zebunnasa Afroz and Quazi Rosy, Member of Parliament, Prof. Momtaz Begum Advocate (Former MP), Chairman, Jatiya Mahila Sangstha and Zakia K Hassan, President Women for Women were Special Guests and Mr. Julian Francis, Coordinator, British Women Association was the Honorable Guest in the Conference. This Roundtable Conference was chaired by Mohua Paul, Vice Chairperson of Access Bangladesh Foundation and moderated by Ashrafun Nahar Misti, Executive Director of WDDF. The chief guest, special guests and all other participants were very positive for ensuring political participation and rights of women with disabilities from Grassroots to national level.