On 20 February, 2018 Access Bangladesh organized an Advocacy workshop at Savar Upazila Conference Room titled “The Role of Government and non-Government organizations: Promoting Mushroom farmers with disabilities” supported by ILO and Canada Government. Mr. Sheikh Russel Hasan, UNO (Sub-district administrative Chief) of Savar Upazilla was the Chief Guest and other relevant government officials including Social Services Officer, Youth Development Officer, Cooperative Officer, Agriculture Officer representatives from Banks, Micro-finance NGOs, journalists and successful farmers with disabilities were present in the event. Mr. Albert Mollah, Executive Director of Access Bangladesh chaired the event.
Mr. Litan Baruri of Access Bangladesh presented a keynote paper highlighting legislation, policy framework and circulars of Bangladesh Bank to promote self-employment, challenges faced by project beneficiaries to access these credit facilities, and also the roles and responsibilities of Government and Non-Government organizations for supporting mushroom farmers with disabilities. The participants appreciated Access Bangladesh and donor agency for taking this innovative green initiative to create 200 entrepreneurs with disabilities and disadvantage women through engaging in the mushroom business.
At the end of the event the entrepreneurs were provided cheque which is non refundable start up support to take business initiative under the project.