Traditionally, society has viewed people with disabilities as recipients of charity and welfare. As a result, many disabled people tend to expect help from society, instead of making attempts towards self reliance. A change of attitude has to take place in disabled people as well, to encourage them to become self-reliant and not to be dependent on others. In order to prevent the further marginalization of disabled people in the future, it is important to take a pro-active stand to enable them to become contributing productive members of society. By doing this, disabled people will be enabled to lead their lives with dignity and self respect. Besides, the financial burden on the families, society and the scared resources of the nation would be reduced and the disabled people will become asset to the economy. In order to facilitate this the Access Bangladesh Foundation, a non political, not for profit and non government organization was set up on 4 th January, 2008 through the generous support of some dedicated persons who have been serving for the disabled people over the years.